Submit Abstract

Abstract Submission Deadline extended to April 10th

Early Bird Registration Deadline extended to April 13th

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CIPANP 2015 abstract submission is now open.

29 January 2015              Abstract Submission begins

13 March 2015                 Early bird Abstract submission deadline

1 April 2015                     Final Abstract submission deadline

Maximal consideration will be given to abstracts submitted by the early bird deadline.   All abstracts will be reviewed by the  Convenors of the particular topic. Contributors will be informed whether their contributions have been selected for oral presentation in the parallel sessions or accepted as posters by 7 April 2015. 

Submission of your abstract shows the intent that it will be presented as a poster or as a talk. Please indicate your preferred presentation type on the submission form. The convenors will review the abstracts after the submission deadline and determine the final presentation type.

Abstracts will be accepted for the following topics:
  • Physics at High Energies
  • High Intensity and Precision Physics
  • Cosmic Physics and Dark Energy/Inflation
  • Neutrino Masses and Neutrino Mixing
  • Tests of Symmetries and the Electroweak Interaction
  • Dark Matter
  • Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics
  • Heavy Flavor and the CKM Matrix
  • QCD, Hadron Spectroscopy and Exotics
  • Partonic Distributions in Nucleon and Nuclei
  • Hadronic Physics and Structure of Nucleus and Nuclei
  • Quark Matter and High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

Please submit your abstract to the CIPANP 2015 Indico site:

(Note: all Indico instances worldwide are discrete, with their own sets of accounts, and therefore you must create an account on the Yale University site in order to be able to submit an abstract.)